Deserves more savagery then PK seems willing to unleash here
"The us too" act over
forward expectations deserves a separate barrage
---see upcoming posts ---
But K schlock type's ought to note also:
the spending impact of transfer payments nullified
The fed anointed and empowered like jehovah himself
Defense spending implicitly turbo charged
Taxing at the upper margins stifling growth
Ya I could taunt the NK club
for harboring a model
That can be so easily turned against itself like this
sticky prices ...ultimately sticky wages
are all that keeps
the new classicals counter revolution
at bay
gee gang ...
When the sticky wage and the lower policy rate bound
Carry the weight of culpability
For a completely irrational system
a system
That can't Bring back even its tainted notion of full mobilization of it's existing production capacity
its been
Fully 4 years
since a generation of unsoundly founded economic development
blew it's own head off
Zero bounds and
Sticky wages indeed