Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Humanist gulag as labor sponge

The overt creditable policy for the humanist gulag Must be minimization Transitional Job Blight located Competitive without special subsidy Prices adjusted to market conditions So market share is as planned

How can a sub set of firms absorb the outflow from the rest of the social production system without accusations of boondoggle

Minsky state as employer of last resort humanist gulag or useless as wage spiral regulator

Minsky public job sector PJS Regulating market mediated job wages Has to cut PJS COMPENSATION as market mediated compensation rises This indeed mobilizes the reserve army of the idled TO productive activity BUT the flows in and out operate as a counter weight to job market dynamics Improvement over unemployment insurance Payments that move to counter The rise and fall of job market conditions What if the public enterprise sector is just a hunk of formerly nationalized private firms a cross section of all jobs included Public firms competing with private firms on Shared markets Modern public work houses

Pigou tax as an anti ramsey rule application

Activities unwanted with the highest elasticity Taxed first The goal minimum tax revenue maximum supply reduction

Thursday, April 4, 2019

The state has the inherent essential authority to take and give

The state is no bound by Pareto rules

The state as agent of society can not steal but it can reduce social welfare

Private property protection is about Private to private interactions State ex appropriation to enhance social welfare Is an essential duty of the state

Pure Sunk costs and various instituted social systems of absorbing that cost

Why recover sunk costs When the funds were cost less And the alternative opportunities Are past execution Only social ranking of benefit potential matters prior to inciting the sunk cost With all the uncertainties that estimate involves Idleness is always the highest cost We learn nothing from idleness

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Products need time to find their full.market.

This red ink interval is part of start up sunk costs

Commodity space and product space

Markets filterbpossible products by production costs plus development costs But market prices as the sole revenue for producing a product May be socially sub optimal One has to analyze what does not get produced in a simple market system for Non price reflected benefits Just like non price reflected costs But in addition what potential products are never produced as commodities Because fixed start up or development costs Exceed potential profits from sale of products at market prices