Saturday, April 6, 2024

Show them the fetters

not enough to know the fetters we gotta seriously agitprop em corporate capitalism out grew the gold standard no safety nets and balanced budget mania but capitalism acting spontaneously reproduces itself with an updated superstructure not a change in class dictatorship. we must target each fetter and why the cap class wants it and until the capitalists figure out a way to co exist with a progressive reform wr get no reform in fact diabolical hooey like NAIRU new fetters we must push the reform struggle but we must take people to the mountain top too to show the vista and a peoples state at long lasr at its core a wage class guided dictator ship willing and wanting to liberate us all from capitalism and its stage by stage morphings of one set of fetters into the next set of fetters nb next stage btw may be back to old fetters the old made new again think 1978 to 2008