Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Open social systems and the State ; both markets and elections

Greenwald - Stiglitz emergent hierarchy within market systems

Firms are spontaneous emergent heterogenious hierarchic organizations The entire scope is surplus value Not necessary value In a Marxist paradigm Skill is just an intermediate input To raw labor Pre determined by the wage bargain in place at time zero

Friday, August 23, 2019

Love the toys boys ?

Why call them models When there's little proof the logic systems Reflect real activities Go ahead love the toys JUST don't pretend they lead on to class neutral policy thru The magic looking glass Of rationalist Analytics

Undoc s off shore and private equity. The three headed beasts of OECD social democracy doom

Public equity v private equity

Equity stakes conditioned by firm charters and firm regs Private firms privately held Are the Reagan era concocted surge of the jobs market places of OECD earth

Issuing zero real consoles v dollars

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Spherical market system with and without partitions

Imagine a global market system Production for ever as a single system without barriers Now draw boundaries looking for a bounded area that would improve local welfare by autarcky Of course you have a given distribution of real elements conditioned by years and years of global free trade Now take an existing global broken into Existing bounded restriction zones And pull away the restrictions And after say 10 years try to find a boundable sub area that could improve welfare however measured by restricting trade More ...much more needed

Thursday, August 8, 2019