Monday, December 23, 2019

Social firms v social markets

Yes corporations are already social firms but of course the infamous corporate liberation movement from its inchoate inception In 1969 to the startling last moments Of 2008 Which cleverly Reversed much of What earlier Efforts acvomished toward mobilizing corporate activity In the long and lingering aftermath of The crisis of September 2008 Restarting the harnessing of corporate firms to the general good of society Has staggered to its still unsteady feet

Friday, December 20, 2019

Agent driven Climate controls will come but now lets get socoal production controls

Weather and social production

In the 50's We were going to tune up the weather That was abandoned For simply improved forecasting That is exactly not what we should do about social production The point is to improve it not predict it Physical atmospheres s and social production systems share complexity but not agency The existence of Agency is both the hope And the problematic of social production We need detailed now casted data and an adequate set of macro instruments Ready to smooth and steeped Our macro climb to society wide Freedom from material labor necessity

The strategic markets sector : markets that contain firms with pricing power and thus strategic options

Oligops play pricing games with each other in the in markets for their products Galbraith focused on this sector And Lerner mark up cap and trade Use it or lose it and rent flush CO ordination markets are relevant To this sector Clearly reliably sustainable peoples state control of the fire sector is a crucial features as else where

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Price spirals are the deeper target of social management of autonomous market guided firm production

The inflation rate governed by stop start macro policy cycles of relative injection and extraction rates Or net credit flows and their interest rates q

Private Profiteering is no virtue .....and what else is mankiw trying to protectb

If mankiw urges Free range corporate pricing and wage setting as the best practical long run state policy Why Surely he recognizes the next stop on the road to socialism isn't inevitably Weimar Or the Soviet union Why is he shielding oligop outfits What is the social miracle contained in firm level exploitation of primary producers Imagine a system with just one class Employees No capitalist rentiers Like no landlords Yes we'd still face the question of optimal compensation patterns for the various employed Yes nothing prevents a system like ours now where the executive suite gangs Haul out huge hunks of firm level infra marginal value added But Once the state is dedicated To socializing a socially optimum share of surplus value nothing suggests compensation Structure can't be Employee Congress determined

Mankiw is anti socialist pro corporate capitalist so.....

The peoples state despite Mankiws dogma Can improve macro performance Yes at the expense of corporate Market liberties Consider these liberties They are a social expedient Justified by outcomes Demonstrate socially superior Outcomes with a social market design And that suffices to justify the reformation of oligop corporate sector markets and firms

Mankiw ripped

"the government can always print money to pay its bills. But that fact does not free the government from its intertemporal budget constraint." What intertemporal constraint ? The global system of social production remains finite And has limits at all times and places This is a tautology Where has anyone claimed magical powers of limitless extension at the present margin s of social production The limits are a frontier to be forced Till bottle necks overwhelm additional output and shortages become no longer a spur to more production of a given output at a certain quality But a chronic condition ------------------------------- "the economy normally operates with excess capacity , the economy’s output often falls short of its optimum." Indeed and it is the task of the peoples state to force out more production Then spontaneously all levels and in all sectors " But that conclusion does not mean that policymakers only rarely need to worry about inflationary pressures." Here one considers demand pull inflationary Pressures The peoples state must arbitrate the combo of price increases and delivery delays And the estimated time frame of rectification ------------------------------- "in a world of pervasive market power, government price setting might improve private price setting as a matter of economic theory." "But that deduction does not imply that actual governments in actual economies can increase welfare by inserting themselves extensively in the price-setting process." If the firms set wages and prices Enter Lerner CO ordination markets To regulate over all limits If the target is firm level rents The system of use it or lose it enters the story This question of dynamic and structural rents remains open for vast investigation and social remedy Pay it forward The rent flush is a possible solution too

Mankiw on MMT

the government can always print money to pay its bills. But that fact does not free the government from its intertemporal budget constraint. I agree that the economy normally operates with excess capacity, in the sense that the economy’s output often falls short of its optimum. But that conclusion does not mean that policymakers only rarely need to worry about inflationary pressures. I agree that, in a world of pervasive market power, government price setting might improve private price setting as a matter of economic theory. But that deduction does not imply that actual governments in actual economies can increase welfare by inserting themselves extensively in the price-setting process.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Vickrey macro max

New policies new politics Vickrey macro max Proposes a job forcing system that drives the social production system to the Beveridge frontier The system phase critical edge Where job openings and job candidates Ossilate along a ratio range That only practice can optimize Hazards abound Protracted product scarcity Wage spirals Trade d3ficit ballooning Rampant undoc In migrations Job floor discipline collapse Corporate spending strike Etc

Do means always justify ends ? Consider open election liberal democracy

Corporate America has yet to stage a a CO ordinates spending strike

Nope So far booms have self terminated spontaneously Or by act of state

The final problematic of kalecki macro : corporate contrived contractions CCC

CCC study has never consolidated itself into A steady topic of investigation Why ? Till now no regime has ever Implemented A permanent kalecki macro guided Aggregate Demand management system

The autostab system pro active ipayment njections patterns tied to now casted transaction data

Yes its just n targets of m injected uncle payments To increase general purchasing power Not actual purchases of products or services Hence uncertain results require dynamic piloting With efficient timely feed backs Points of injection The payroll stream* and The retirement payment stream ******* payroll stream and Present unemployment payment stream And health mortgage and rent payment streams Of course general social wage stream much better Example Imagine the potential of a complete re injection of the payroll tax revenue rebates to employees Imagine uncle off set wage cuts by employers instead of lay offs Etc Social democracy 1.0 Was about compensation for job loss and buffering jobless Ness Not part of social democracy 2.0

Monday, December 9, 2019

Public equity

Yes deep uncle needs to Set up public equity outfits To cruise the security markets And menace corporate malefactors of great exploits As in great exploitation

SEFs: sovereign equity funds

Really a no brainer With a citizen Quaterly dividend Farmer would have deep uncle Buy and sell equity indexes To regulate equity market values Like the FOMC regulated treasury bonds and notes As capital financialization Deepens well beyond the point Of dominance It has evolved qualitatively it Has become securitized Autonomous financial capitals AFCs Are liberated from the restrictions of a loan portfolios of yore State regulation has fallen behind the growth curve of course Private equity has evolved ad a new super exploitative vehicle Able to ply security markets Bond and equity alike Largely liberated from regsec harnessing Real product Corporate capitalism Has escaped the idiocy Of own bottom private ownership Only to fall prey To profiteering mauraders Like mitt Romney

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Money has many independent dimensions ; We could use a static unit of account

An accounting dollar or A dollar for all transactions payment patterns etc A simple translator of actual exchange medium and means of payment money prices Into the accounting money price Just as zero real consoles Are money as a store of exchange value

Delivery time is only socially noticed universally when its a j tme till a job hire

The economics of scarcity Needs to focus on next job hire and next loan completion

Wait time in a transaction is heterogenious as to both del8very commodity and money payment

The wait time inhetent in the delivery time grid is often far less accounted for macroscopicly then the very carefully scrutinized payment time grid yo

Firms are globs of mutually adhetent particles with internal motors and minds

Firms generate and consummate transaction these are discrete actions with location and time pattern specificity

Stop the insanity : no more signal processing models of price and quantity data

Yes pq data aggregates flux in time and space But these are emergent particulate flocking behaviour Not deterministic waves Like neural nets produce Nor Brownian shocks jumble

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Capitalism mirror world

We have a physical world where products are fractured and circulated And exchanged for notes The notee are the data that Found and inform The mirror world