Thursday, January 3, 2013

barry flash back

Obama, da Bomb-ah
For what it's worth... it's already over. Obama is the Dem nominee. Any
fool can see that Mother Clinton is all but embalmed, like that sad Jayne
Mansfield the 16th on the slab down in Florida.
Nope, the race is over, and as often happens, the wiry, intense black dude
took first place. Oby-wan has the black vote swinging behind him, and what
has St Hill got left but the troops of Fort Zion? And there's no
particular reason for them to stick with her, either -- like the Bedouins
they enjoy chasing around the wadis, the Zion cavalry will gallop to the
oasis with the sweetest water. Lose your donors, lose your chance.

I wonder if she'll even wait to be Muskieed (a la '72) and Humphreyed (a
la '60) all at once, in the first spasm of prima-caucal action? Yeah, I
think she prolly will, even if she don't need a beating like that. She'll
charge into it, get the full robo-soak, and probably not take it well
either -- "I guess you'll have mo more Hill-Rod to fuck around with
anymore, will ya, guys?"

She won't take the vice gig. She'll be hoping, with some reason, that the
drawn booth curtain will Al-Smith the dark-skinned chap, and 12 is her
lucky number, anyway.

So who else can veep it? Will the higher wisdom of the party of the
people, the whole people, and nothing like the people go full scramble and
anoint... Pelosi?! Or pull back to Clark?

Oby-Clark looks like the better bet to me -- keep a mean snake-head
cracker lookin' in over Oby's left shoulder, while Wall Street Bobby Rubin
keeps a half nelson on the black guy's signing arm.

And there it is, fellow citizens: our land of mile-wide, inch-deep
symbolic gestures, with this one nomination, can put paid to the black
blood debt. And if the half-African meritoid actually gets Whitehoused to
pilot the invisible earth empire -- well then, the tables will be turned,
and black folks will owe us big-hearted Caucasians a debt they can never
hope to repay.

Posted by Owen Paine on February 28, 2007 11:19 AM