Thursday, June 13, 2013

Firmacidal maniacs

"For structural reform, Japan would need a huge blast of "creative destruction". Zombies and family businesses would need to die en masse, and healthy, independently run companies would need to emerge. The U.S. got that kind of blast in the 1980s, but Japan is unlikely to slash regulation, open up trade, and let the corporate raiders into the henhouse. The equilibrium of entrenched political interests is too strong. "

kill!!! kill!!!! kill !!!!

"Only a big external shock is likely to be able to cause the kind of destruction needed to clear away Japan's economic ancien regime"
." A default would do the trick. Banks would go bamkrupt and be nationalized, and they would be forced to cut off zombies, which would then die en masse. If Japan's history is any guide, a huge burst of entrepreneurship would probably follow this die-off; witness the emergence of Sony and Honda after the shock of WW2."
noah opinion
the rule of red and black 
get into the red too far or  ..too long
and "the system"  must kill you
really noah ?
as in
why  not
  pull a simple change of suits in the executive suite ?
default and bankrupcy as license to kill .....hmmmm