is that about the assumption the new wave of ratexers/learners use ??
it really is a pure sim if you assume a mechanical reality
is the economy
ie the economy is a model-able system
that can be discovered in the goodness of time
no matter how dynamical and fragile
i know saying a system is historical lacks sharp contours as a notion
but it seems harmless as an assumption
if we can interact with a system
in performance improving ways
we can build a clinical science ???
sterling example
macro effective demand
management :
enhancing "remedies"
like larger fiscal deficits
for too high unemployment
zipping up
a sluggish phase state
of a market based..for profit
corporate dominated
credit driven economy
why require more then...
"hey look this Rx works !!":
at least
till we reach some impasse
where said Rx is no longer performing well
or is producing unacceptable side effects
again take schlock keynesianism
okay if we push too long and too hard
with the fiscal deficit measures
---vide the notorious 70's --
we need to improve our handling of
certain side effects like ....wage push inflation
the above is all posted to this humble purpose :
maybe we don't need any more then a successful critique of rat ex models
perhaps we are not required to build a better mouse trap
if we can use doc keynes patent elixir to "cure " the ill
but isn't this the essence
historical materialism
a causal system too complex to simulate adequately
complexity of causation as a claim doesn't have to mean
hayekian quiessence
we can see the record plainly enough now least from a clearly defined class point of view
what else do we need ??
the plague of idle-ness is past
the patients are back on their feet