Tuesday, March 15, 2011

theories of primary surplus populations

 the bulk of any primal surplus population
   is  of course
 up rooted  wanna be subsisters 
( culled from all forms of  peasants from yeoman thru tenant share cropper to peon  bondsman slave and    tribal cultivator  herdsman hunter fisherman )
and to a lesser extent
traditional artisans
  back pack  traders and 
any other socially useless anachronistic "retainers "

these millions once cut "free " of the land  with the disintegration
   of  traditional  modes of product and exchange
become in time
the source of industrializations prolery
that is  if  they cCAN  be absorbed
by market based local  wages systems

if not ??

they turn outlaw ....but all too infrequently
rather more commonly
they drift urbanward
where they are drafted  into various forms of  the  great and venerable
 army of   mass misery of getting by somehow
nimbling at the margins of "emerging cities"
with the occasional
civil wars
gulags etc etc etc

out lets ???
mostly unauthorized mass migrations
they morph into
 the  utterly unwelcome easily exploited
undoc millions
producing and serving away
                   in the advanced world