Thursday, July 14, 2011

altig ...what ????

"The Beveridge curve appears to have shifted out over time, meaning that the amount of unemployment relative to the number of job openings has increased over the past several years relative to the patterns of the decade or so prior to the beginning of this recovery. "

"This shift in the Beveridge curve is usually interpreted as representing a change in the efficiency with which workers looking for jobs are matched with employers looking to fill jobs "

what ????
we have a huge imbalance
a horrid B ratio
and its not effective demand driving it ???
its inefficiency ???
and or
poor job to skill match ups ??

what's in the water cooler down there hoss ???
"There is a debate about whether the recent shift in the Beveridge curve
                                is a normal cyclical feature of recoveries"

debate ???
why the sentence makes no sense
are you saying over the employment cycle
the ratio oughta stay constant ???
simply bob up and down along some line ???
what is it about thses numbers
you find worthy of debate ???

now one might look at employment cycles versus employment cycles
to see how the change in the ratios over the cycle compare
cycle versus cycle
but you ain't got a cycle here yet pard
the hot house agonizing over
is this huge jobless army structural ??
pure misdirection
plain and simple
its hard to imagine you take it seriously