the last time we had one was the arsenal of democracy
-- some say the NRA was the only real full blown INDUSTRIAL POLICY
..fair enough ---
okay we had a partial policy e after
the kold war hit warp drive
post nsa 68
the point remains we as global hegemon
have sublated our narrow national interests
foor generations now
since 1945 uncle sam has more or less
operated official policy
with the larger earth wide interests
of our multi national trans border corporations
upper most in his mind
in fact so much upper most
even secondary MNC concerns
trump primary DOMESTIC JOB CLASS concerns
to pull this off
within the formalities of a two party liberal democracy
is really quite a feat ??
housing a totalizing global security state
completely inside
a liberal nation state
like a matryoshka doll ???
the mind gapes
and rattles itself
in an aweful trembling