Saturday, July 16, 2011

the universal language of a plan or the incoherent unintelligable babble of markets voiced

the parallels between these two great social contrivances
markets and written languages
are unendingly diverting and filled with fruitful analogy

the tower project damned  to doom
 by its artificially segmented willfully partitioned
ultimately mutually  un intelligable cacophony

viva gosplan II

the next leap
the next essay in social re-totalization

likely as bold and  no  doubt as hazardous as the last

but there is no choice but to greatly leap again across the dark unknown
no way else to discover
the deeper truths of our future's  right and righeous path
the truths essential that only leaps and their attendent
 practical failures and short falls reveal
in the process
building the new us out of the existing we

the bold mad scientist stumbling forward
thru one frankensten monster after another

looking back
yes we can project a far far straighter path
clean of blood and tragedy and farce

a path decidely not taken
but now ridiculously  visible in hind sight
  all the way up to here today
from those first eves and adams one hundred millenia ago

but looking on....looking as we must look forward
and with faith hope and charity
ought we not to  expect a crooked twisted backward swooping course
much like we indeed did trod that original and alas only real time
we travelled  cross the past's unreturnable timescape

  behind us
 and between us and our originating parents
 is a existence in motion
thru 5 thousand  essentially
un mutated generations
each agency the work
of  one original natural complex composite set of  organismic conditions
that yet miracle of miracles
produced out of themselves a thousand   cultural transitions

a thousand !!! disntict  cracked totalizations
to get  us  from  scattered forest or savanah bands
 to the urbanite  class cloven  mega formations of today

   from mother nature's
  inceptional   contradictory makings of us 
what amazing outputs

a thousand brave new worlds each inside the last