Monday, August 15, 2011

" the (economic) partition of the world by the international cartels has begun. "

"There are already over one hundred such international cartels, which command   the entire world market and divide it “amicably” among themselves—until war redivides it. "

"The export of capital, as distinct from the export of commodities under non-monopoly capitalism, is a highly characteristic phenomenon and is closely linked with the economic and territorial-political partition of the world; "

" the territorial partition of the world  is completed. "

since then ???

is the cartel process completeable like the territorial partitions by 1916 ??

such that all cartel partitionings become  re partitionings ???

" decay   is characteristic of every monopoly under the system of private ownership of the means of production"

ie cartels come and go so re partitioning abounds far more frequent then states re partition territory