Sunday, August 28, 2011

stolen form

we do not  however propose that the industrial wage workers themselves should increase their consumption,

but allot  this function to two great utterly non productive sectors of society
on the one side
 the  rentiers  retainers jurists security aparatchiks  sinecurists etc
on the other side the   criminals prisoners pan handlers grifters   and other lumpen elements

why ?  why not incentize wage labors efforts by greater reward ??

if  the urge for greater expenditure and the ability to satisfy it fully
 thru  ever less job hours gets united too often in the same direct producing hu-unit
 the two processes would doubtless play tricks on each other
 and  in the long run render the system of exploitation evermore ineffective
as it sank under  a  surfeited of short hour jobsters

oh "the numberless  untapped hours " that would yield

now run that up against this

with  the introduction of additional  labor saving new  machinery

(or what amounts to the same  labor saving  indirectly with the introduction
   of  materials saving new  machinary )

 a mass of formerly employed workers
                       can be  thrown out of employment

 a section of the productive population can be rendered  redundant;

result  ideally :

 additional  surplus product  in the form of wage goods
   finds freshly released  labour for which it can be exchanged 
and without any increase in population
or  any need to extend the absolute working-time


so ?

well obviously
to the extent the system goes the  new labor saving  machines route
 it intensifies  its contradictions even as it performs its essential historic "mission"
ie it constantly challenges itself to expand effective demand by venturing

whereas the spear barers  thives and retainers  route expands or at least sustains effective demand
even without "venturing investment "
ie this path only  protracts the historic  interval of bourgeois domination