Sunday, March 4, 2012

multiplier wars

that's what it comes down to often enough

 like elastcity wars multiplier wars are ...thirty year type wars

bloody destructive  pervasive and seemingly without end

and yet as policy goes and not prediction .....
why the fuss ?

first  we take what we have
example : a federal  transfer system
and using this and or other conduits
  we attempt to implement means  to chosen
aggregate  employment and output targets

yes once we commit to a  target number
 its just do it ...right ?

use  the multiplier effect of additional government spending
out of borrowed funds
to restore some number we call sustainable  full employment
there are indeed many avenues of government  macro driven spending

biggest distinction after
the distinction
out of additional borrowed funds  rather then out of additional tax revenues

is the distinction between
 direct government spending
  spending thru transfers or payments to or tax cuts for  firms and households

enter here

 theestimation of  expected multipliers
 for each chosen avenue for  more spending

yes they are all about " doing more spending "
more spending that will lead  to  even more spending
 for the purpose of more spending still

but then how much more ?

hence the multiplier wars

"my multiplier is bigger then yours"

"your multipliers are all  tiny "

"hey all multipliers are less then one "

most fun

"that multiplier is actually zero !!!"

negative multipliers ??
why not
kinda like
 sending more or less " valuable"  leather hides
to a soviet factory
that turns them into no goodnik shoes


efficiency debates make sense as an ongoing project
in the academy and institute

but when a vast "injection " is needed now

you go with what you have
and feed it in as best you can

and thank Clio
there is always a tomorrow