Sunday, May 8, 2011

forex moves versus price level moves


trade surplus country:

forex appreciation  lowers import prices 
lifting the relative general price level  lowers  import prices

trade deficit country :

forex devaluation raises import prices
lowering relative price level raises import prices

differences :

the general price level changes obviously effect non trade good prices
no substitution effect toward non trade goods

export pricing ???

the relative price level  change effects impell  export price changes for surplus  traders
forex moves impell too both changes mean the export can buy less domestic inputs from foreign earnings
but more foreign imports for processing  into exports
off shoring impetus
switching to off shore sources might allow  no price change on exports

imagine if global trade goods prices are  unique ???
not unique  ????

the big problem is the irreducable historically given limited product flex
  ie  production structure  granularity and the grain ain't fine
pebbular  rocky maybe even  boldicular  at any rate
  far far from  coloidal

the lack of a infinitessimalizable  production base with dough like reshape ability
makes the presumption of qualitatively different short and mid term outcomes
with the use of  one or the other policy instrument look sound

to be continued