Saturday, May 14, 2011

why so much job kill and payment default ??

why can't we sublate some of this waste ??

the payments grid
the system just needs more insurance eh ??

a payments grid with full insurance mandated
participate or not
uncle makes it an option you can’t refuse by a subsidy thru premium payment participation
ultimately all risk should be held at maximal spread
ie the level of the whole society
ie uncle as reinsurer of all policies
moral hazard ??
what lesser creditor has uncle’s ability and capacity for generosity ???
justice has its maximal chance if uncle is the final creditor
of course this isn’t cor[porate capitalism
forget about it
happy fewest job force
is indeed corporate optimal
the secular increase in the reserve army
is an artifact of social marketeering
corporate style
no wage insurance which would solve the wage cut or hour cut alternative
to the job axe
but if corporate operations can extract higher margins with bigger reserve armies …..
take th apparently benign german job time account
despite the recent job kill free swoon in output there
that indeed the system might have contributed to
like the rest of the hartz reforms
this strikes me as fishy if not over the full cycle then secularly
these job time accounts remove the over time premium and back load it as an exit tax paid directly to the exiter
to avoid the exit tax at time of job hack corporates are incentivized to reduce hours or wage rates
usually hours
this seems systemically to pin hours higher and participation lower over the long haul
as does company pay ins toward job attached benefit plans
so long as the company pay ins are not pro rated by hours worked
the over time premium oughta be higher if anything
and jobs oughta pay wages with no benefits
–uncle could scoop this bene stream up
and set up an earned income credit system to provision the stream in part
and of course wage theft thru recorded hours games enters here double force
ahh so much to do so little corporate incentive to do it
we need an october