note domestic production
call it annualized 1.8 billion barrels
do the calc
$ 50 per b rise ...adds $90 billion
in wind fall profits to domestic producers
-- assuming that long interval of similar production
at lower prices indicates marginal cost prices
on these wells are prolly still around 50 bucks per b --
second graph :
paul k
correctly notes :
we could go to 4% core inflation for tten years
ie revisit the reagan bright new morning in amerika rates
considerably shrinking the real debt of all of us
from mr and mrs little me
to uncle hizzseff
call it annualized 1.8 billion barrels
do the calc
$ 50 per b rise ...adds $90 billion
in wind fall profits to domestic producers
-- assuming that long interval of similar production
at lower prices indicates marginal cost prices
on these wells are prolly still around 50 bucks per b --
second graph :
paul k
correctly notes :
we could go to 4% core inflation for tten years
ie revisit the reagan bright new morning in amerika rates
considerably shrinking the real debt of all of us
from mr and mrs little me
to uncle hizzseff