Friday, December 21, 2012

lucas only calls it fiscal activism if the fed sits on its hands

crowding out if assumed to be very powerful ...

u get it

fiscal policy can be largely self nullifying 
even if the borrowed funds get spent completely
if the credit markets off set any additional uncle borrowing
by reducing firm and or household borrowing by an equivalent amount

one way this gets  turned into a nice trick

the impact of uncle on the credit markets raises rates
and by pre aexisting harmonics
the  rate elasticity of firm and household borrowing is such as to exactly off set the increased borrow by uncle
with reduced borrowing by the F's and H's

but the broader point is to introduce doubt
doubt  in the efficacy of the additional uncle spending
a doubt that arms itself
  with  visions of large countering contractions
 in  F  and H spending out of  net new borrowings
such it is hoped will pre emptively  scuttled
any fiscal activism

uncle borrowings crowding out private borrowings

  of net increased transfer payments
 or new  tax cuts
  won't spend  the additional funds
   buying additional recent  outputs  of the production system

reactive firm pricing will render it all nominal

welcome to the  stump  list

 all about stumping fiscal activism