Thursday, December 20, 2012

the neo classical magic act: minds move faster then markets

hence the efficacy of REH to the neo-neo's
from equilibrium to REH
or how the neo classical boot lickers
restored the corporate free power hand above the policy altar

yet another brilliant paine  paper not written  !

beaver barro
master mind among
  "stump the fiscalists "  

it is nice to consider the task of these " don't tamper with the markets" school

to consider a social  optimality condition
  --- like any social optimality plan project might ---

and embed the results in the spontaneous workings of markets or actions of market  agents themselves

a pre established harmony if there ever was one

the advance in agent minds  located optimality ?

fast and without  noticeable
                                   real  resource cost

brain computation time vanishes into angelic aprehension
just as the walras grope or the pre transaction edgeworth recontracting
but that howling assumption in all such magic acts
is all that much else conspicuous

the bridge
perfect fore sight
arrived at by  vast instantaneous  ratioconations
done on a mass scale
as the agents act as if but one over soul

ah the graces bestowed on  the minds of all marketeers
 forever  unavailable to any gosplan mites