Wednesday, June 29, 2011

do rads misconstrue the social "purpose" in capitalistic society of the cyclical nature of the reserve army ?

the argument :

in as much as increasing  the RAU is  contrived conciously  by macronauts
to murder a "run away " boom

--as per say  larry s
  apropos all post WWII pre green span  recessions

"they were fed  policy  induced  ... murder one "


the murder is  all about curbing the "unhealthy " advance of product prices
not wage rates

though looking at the change in unit labor costs is the key observation
its not about wage rate control per se


 wage rate gains  can only be curbed by blocking the cost pass thru
ie the ability to effectively raise product prices
induced mass  sacking  say by  cutting credit flow rates  into production firms
which yes   reduces effective  demand directly
--by cutting firm spending on expansion od production or the capacity to produce --
but also  pari passu  reduces  aggreagate wage sourced household income
and thus reducing in turn household spending on final products
and of course
this curbs price increases by firms as inventory backs up at certain stations
 of  the interlaced production  system

even if formally accurate as far as it goes
this is not the whole story obviously

---nb comp stat models
obviously  bypass the dynamic chain here
the egg hen bit is irrelevent if you just "show" the start and the finish ---

but what i like is spot lighting the  product sellers / price setters
  as both target and key  players here
 not the  unorganized mass of employees that are just labor sellers

--recall more directly in a job rationed system its the employers bidding up wages to poach from each other etc
\that causes the wage spiral
and in organized settings
--the paradigm of choice in the 70's the unions are only empowered by firms  added cost
 pass thru  capacity --

a wage increase can't be effectively  past thru
because general market conditions are too weak
because lets say effective demand is crippled by credit policy
 at all  or at least enough  important points and levels
to maintain operating margins
the wage gains won't be granted

review :
this  presentation strikes me as exceedingly  unsatisfactory
but the use of it by rads  is clear

implicitly this story form
  shifts  the onus onto the capitalistic process itself
not the wage earners

a hunk of the wagery makes  "the  ultimate  sacrifice "
by getting the sack
they join the  small craft  outfits in the general culling
 by artificial discretionary  credit drought

they inadvertantly serve the cause of  DOM ( decent operating margin ) preservation

at  least at the big corporations
the one's that cause the problem in the first instance because
they have  market  pricing power
both on  the buy side  labor and  raw commodities as well as  the sell side 

  the misery gets allocated   to workers and petty proprietors and  easily canabalized  incer stinkers

its all just business nothing personal
  purely  incidental
the misery and loss  a necessary instrumentality of  dynamic discretionary mangement of the price level

the goal in a mudered boom is pricing restraint
at the corporate level

gentlemen restraining themselves by impersonal albeit compulsory  means

 a mark up market
would accomplish this mission without the mass sack