Friday, June 24, 2011

from neo classical synthesis (NCS) to neoliberal dogmatic minimalism (LDM)

whats in a label ???

 well the target of radical critique in poli econ con
has been neo liberalism for what ??
20 years now
the washington consensus rubinomics etc etc
at its core unlike the prior king hell mind set
samuelson named neoclassical synthesis
at the core of neoliberalism is a reaction to a reaction

the  friedman to lucas  battery of critiques of  the
utterly hegemonic
 ( though  at times only tacit but always present behind the curtain )
  post war activist positivist  NCS  macro management  "school"

witrh the total smash up of the stalinoid frankenstein production platform in the late 80's
the new school arose  to unite the younger generations of american macronauts and developmennt "theorists"

it was LDM
new keynesianism and patch work minimalism
leveraging  as the dummy hand version of state action
with in often tiny top layers of  corporate and foundation "equity" players  calling the strategic
as well as the  tactical  shots

if 89 might be used to mark the moment of triumph that arched over the blooming of neo liberalism
to go along with 79 and 49  perhaps as prior  pivots and 09 as the post pivot

post pivot ??
we're in a new era ??
 a  rise of  anti dogmatic  clamour
               a cacophonic eclectic chorus