Monday, June 27, 2011

expectations versus the debt grid

the very real debt grid seems a better modeling object then the spooky stuff about expectations

backing up first:

the premise of most models seems to be
we need a model that works best if you only get to bite the aple very infrequently

ie interventions are few and far between


they are constant thru the credit and autostab aspects of the tax and transfer system

discretionary moves relying on real time feed back can use a very simple rugged model to motivate
the prooduction system's
 steerage brakes and  gas pedal

now the point of the head line

the real factor in micro decisioning is placement on the debt grid among other things
and that is quite observable potentially

the payment system and the sueper imposed debt grid could be monitored like a subway system or electric power grid or telecommunications grid eh ?

the fed oughta have that level of info in this data quick data deep age we are entering