Saturday, November 26, 2011

delong goes sugar pop

for our bradskin
months of goggle eying   graphs like these  two below
must be like a jack ass  munching loco weed

the damn porcine pundit
looks like to  be morphing  his left neolib   meme  train wreck
into  the people's bank  polar express


its a computer game fans  of course
no real neck is sticking out here
but brad is doing a very public what if...
as in
what if bradford dillman delong esquire phd
    ran the fed ??????

sez brad his fed  will
"... keep short-term Treasury interest rates low not just as long as the economy is depressed"

....." but even afterwards when the economy has recovered" !!!!!!

" ..when it would normally be raising interest rates (:the delong  fed )... is going to keep short-term Treasury interest rates low until it generates an inflationary boom,"

heard that  right hoss


this isn't damn the inflation  full speed ahead

its  damn real  returns  full speed ahead
so corporate players
" better start building capacity now"
or  during the delong  boom
" your competitors will ... take your profits."

that not being in itself more then enough
here's bronco delong's  second barrel blast:

"Not just announcing but actually bailing-in the taxpayers of the United States of America
as the risk-bearing partners of American financial institutions"

already bought 3 trillion of it
 but delong's fed will be buying up even  more
 of the big banks junk paper piles.... to the tune of 3 to 5 more ....that's 3 to 5  trillions more  ...

": with the taxpayers as their risk-bearings partners,
 financial institutions that were previously tapped-out on their risk-bearing capacity
will now have the ability and the incentive
 to make more loans at more attractive terms to more potentially-expanding businesses."

wow  inflation forward till we're back to full employment


massive socialization of now" privately held" ultra   risky paper

this isn't your high 90's  bobby rubin brad here anymore..... is it ???

errr .for the moment ...this is a brand new brad
running clear of rubinomics

errr that is unless bondage bobby veteran QB  of  team "sunny wall street"
facing the  recent restacking   of the front line
by the stagonauts of grim grim
  just called an automatic

" I'm throwin'  the bomb "