Wednesday, November 30, 2011
one of our better angel's jaimie gallwit plays blind man's bluff over forex dynamics
"Nothing can stop the Chinese,
Koreans, Vietnamese, and others from making shoes and ships
and sealing wax at wages we can't compete with. And nothing
jg ...please there is a dollar forex rate
at work here too
that rate can be altered
and if set and maintaine at a fair competition level
in the long run we could re-balance our industrial sector
no that sector even if it recovered enough to balance our industrial trade sector
still may not be
a more jobs plan
but we don't need a more jobs plan if we maintain full employment federal budgets
we may in some sense not need a robust industrial sector
maybe we can earn and cheat our way to a sustainable economic structure
even if our industrial sector shrinks to pea size
but we as a nation and as a society
would and will greatly benefit
from a robust industrial sector
and that is regardless
of how many relatively low skill jobs that sector contains
in the future
hell maybe it will al be more automated then todays chemical plants and refineries and power plants
we would benefit in the future
from a robust pay its own way in the world
industrial sector
just like we now benefit from a robust agricultural sector
which employs directly very few jobbler folks indeed anymore
--err... though those big ag do employ get still the shaft
big ag treats and pays its few bracero jobblers
very very very very poorly eh ??
which btw
is itself in part a forex issue ---