Wednesday, March 20, 2013

from thomatic-blog: too concise to let float away

i think the model and it's specifications by Taylor et al
Deserves more savagery then PK seems willing to unleash here

"The us too" act over
 forward expectations deserves a separate barrage
---see upcoming posts ---

But K schlock type's ought to  note also:
the spending impact of transfer payments nullified

The fed anointed and empowered like jehovah himself

Defense spending implicitly turbo charged

Taxing at the upper margins stifling growth


Ya I could taunt the NK club
 for harboring a model
That can be so easily turned against itself like this

sticky prices ...ultimately sticky wages
are  all that keeps
 the new classicals  counter revolution
   at bay

gee gang ...
What a tawdry heap macro is these days

When the sticky wage and the lower policy rate bound
Carry the weight of culpability
For a completely irrational system

a system
That can't  Bring back even its tainted notion of   full mobilization of it's existing production capacity

its been
Fully 4 years
since  a generation of unsoundly founded economic development
blew it's own head off

Zero bounds and
Sticky wages indeed
on the level of morbid glee
Pk on Taylor and tax cuts is interesting ?

though PK  acts like the rich are consumers too
just like the poor
even if
maybe  of yatchs champagne silk hats and mansions
rather then ripple 
                  pork and beans

and yet
sez PK 

"there is some evidence thatt the rich persistently consume less of their income than the poor."
 cutting the impending payments
"on and for " the poor
To reduce taxes on the rich
Will lead to less  "aggregate spending "
because the rich "over save "

our  Taylor sees the rich quite differently
he seees them  as investors
yes investors and  in productivity enhancing
state of the art
production facilities

whereas  the poor

hell they  are just "too much with us"
And besides they need nothing getting  a job
can't provide anyway

leave em to job search tomorrow
and in the goodness of  time  they'll  find a position
 and thrust themselves that much closer
To Calvinist heaven
 aka human bee hivery


Why we watch these two sword playing
Escapes me some times

... side bar:
The notion we capture something significant in hicks is/ lm
Doesn't entail buying the paradigm whole
in fact its dangerously blinkering to think in hicks terms

The notion of two big "curves"
crossing each other in interest rate  /income space
still obtainsa hard to dislodge  footing
in a mind once its seen for what it purports to be

so poor old  hicks is right here at the conception
Of all this reification

Which boils down to one big fallacy :

If only we could charge a negative rate for borrowing ...

We could sail right back up to NAIRU line employment

its januart of '09
Imagine the fed amnnounces  a negative policy rate of 8%

That assumption built into the mode;
the assuption that rapid reovery is just a policy rate change away
is likethe market monetarists assumption
 unlimited purchasing of paper assets
by the fed

they both Amount to recommending system annihilation
in the face of a big blow out like hit us in the fall of '08


 go to minus 8% !

Sure we'll restore it if we do that
Any knuckle head knows
Capitalism as we have it today
can not survive
Such upside down high jinx


Compare that  possible to
  an injection of   two trillion in funds
 thru the transfer system
To working and retired citizens
compare that to  the hicks is / lm
 8% negative rate on borrowings

8 to 10 Trillion in purchases of private paper ?