Thursday, March 21, 2013

why has democracy failed the job class majority ?

bourgeois hegemony
hardly pre supposes
the unimpeachable de facto sovereignty
of the plutonians

of course not
bourgeois merit class types rail against
the Babbits the Potters and the mr Howells

trust fund liberals are legion !

but if instead of building and re building
their own direct action organizations
---think unions and neighborhood associations---
the broad job class mediocrity
(in particular the better paid
wage class elements of the job class )
allow merit class sacerdotes

---think liberal politicians and academicals--
to tend to the job class's
main order of business

the business of
contending with ..." business"
certain consequences
entrain right along with the merits "expertise"
one obvious consequence seems to be :
unless the system has really F ed you
ie you are rendered or kept wretchedly poor
your merit class sacerdotes haven't
the socially manufactured "heart "
needed to rage at your declining condition
------ think de industrialization -----
so comes a time ...
when the well intended merit sacerdotes
that have been diligently doing their best
to do good (by their own lights)
get caught unawares
as the misery line
seems about to reach up
over the lower verges of the middle 40%
of amerika

come a fall 08
and suddenly
playing poverty pimp
let alone
cultural liberation hero
or charismatic identity politician
ain't no longer cutting the nut