Saturday, March 23, 2013

responding to mealy's touch stone

the type of keynesian mealy macro is himself
fore dooms his essay in self persuasion
see according to mealy
in the end
in the long run
when overlapping cohorts
beome over lapping "generations"
we must maintain
" a sensible average " golden rule debt burden
yes dotty
doc macro-lewis-simple-simon
really does believe in debt burden reckonings
and yet
he provides not just the tangible belt of debt burden
but the ghostly suspenders of culturally weighty
u see it can only get worse
once u start off with this spoon headed common place :
" its wrong to try and find a motive for everything in terms of interests groups."
it leads to spook ville as in
" Ideas have a power of their own."
which is true enough but after all
where did they come from ?
okay so notions in a culture once massively digested
tend to be sticky
but ...
here's the rub
every notion has a companion counter notion
cultures use notions to rationalize actions
and you gotta be able to play sany real event both ways to play a winners game
application here ?
why did thewhite house and the big media
both jump at the chance
to change the subject from recovery to debt rectification
its not man nature done that
human nature as i said
plays it both ways or CAN play it both ways
an occasional free lunch is possible
no free lunch is ever possible
you pay for it in the end
now reality resolves this debate
but only instance by instance
and usually by proving both sides were wrong
at least as they stated their case