famously marx drew a conceptual as well as empirical line
between the pro active progressive science stage of bourgois political economics
and the reactionary regressive purely ideologically motivated stage of the same class project
called bourgeois political economics
the empiracal line
br and ar
before and after ricardo
the conceptual line
the point where the two great and final classes of cloven society
self conciously face off
in open struggle perhaps france in the summer of 1848
perhaps the late 1820's in jolly old england
example of the two combined
the ricardian worker poli econs of the 1820-30's
but we've had a lot more bourgeois political economics since then
well first there's the bi forcation
pure ideological three card montee scam --bastiat personfies this --
and the reconcile the unreconcliable school ---js mill --
both of these tendencies over lap with km and the near end of his own investigations
presumeably proletarian political economy or is that recipes for cook shops of the future and thus prole class activity is limited to critiques and agit prop
but since capital 1867
we have the deepening of the original discoveries of the classical bourgeois school of poli econ
the formalizations that at least in micro economics are considered the ruling neo classical paradigm
these innovations that slightly over lap with km at the far end do not represent an advance over the classicals merely a deepening of the results
a process that now after another hundred years of fresh starts and impass stops
ie points where old knots lare untied and yet lead on to new knots
in the plenum of strings within strings
that goes both toward a bigger string higher more general string structure and a smaller more specific and fine string structure
--note this mixed string metaphor ---
since jevons we had one big even the great depression and one big guy keynes
the big event of my life time is of course a lot of little events between say 1970 and 1985
that put the final and complete end to the neo classical micro paradigm
nearly exactly one hundred years after its inaugural triumphs
but it leaves guys like stiglitz akerloff the makers of this destructive set of discoveries
in a position much like js mill i think trying to reconcil the unreconcilable
where his generations bastiats lucas barro simply panglos on
its as fun to be the bastiat in this comedia del arte as its grim to be the js mill
obviously eaxctly opposing temporaments are best suited to each project
hence the slap happy glow of cousin joe
and the hemroidal wince of doc lucas