Sunday, April 3, 2011

design yourself a better market system

"finding situations where a market is failing — often, a place that most people wouldn’t even recognize as a market — and making it work better. ..."

what about for whole economies???

the interactions of pricing decisions themselves can cause system wide failure ??
we call it inflation
and treat it as if its fire and we're  spider monkeys not humans

we face this ...all the time
its not just my bete noir
its in one sense the whole ball of wax

the class impacts explain the irrationality of our market world itself

in simple:

underemployment of productive capacity

-- in particular human resources ---

profit  motivated  market mediated and sustained
unit level own bottom supported  decentralized price setting production systems
 chronically run with excessive slack
even with the super imposition of a pervasive credit system

in the end this this anarchy of pricing
makes it practically   necessary
to crawl on all fours
 just to avoid a pricing state
that runs away from itself

and to think
this pervasive problem could be eliminated
with a little market design ...if implemented

market based production systems that go sub optimal because
credit agents over seeing the system
know that if  hyper credit mechanisms are not throttled
 if the system is pushed by its credit flows  beyond certain
sluggish rates of reproduction
they'll "blow themselves up"

in production systems  that aren't about "how much each unit can profit "
one often finds  designers are hired  to hit the drafting boards
build a better mouse trap

but ...not if its the whole damn market economy itself

or even one huge sub system like care
or commodity pricing
ie markets based on natural resource extraction
or bigger still the interface between
the domestic production system
and product imports
the system and product exports
or credit flows between currency zones
or simple accross borders ..etc etc
mechanism design needs to go after
whole hogs
simply sticking to a few low hanging pork chops