Wednesday, April 13, 2011

basic clash of models resumes

plenty for the government to do
or not to do

as far as the range of  academic main stream models

ultimately because
models  can co exist with each other

like angels
 models can squeeze together
 on almost anything in almost any number

at the point where model meets policy
 and policy must take action..
there's the rub

there it's always
to do or not to do
even if  the question is only
how much

the fork in the road never disappears

academical parallel battles ??
the no contact tournaments
yes they are fair parallels

 between two merlins like
say taylor and krugman
we have enough of a conflict
to keep snarls and nips alive.... for now

what  dastardly models unbuilt
 lurk on the far margins
         only the shadow of clio knows