Saturday, November 12, 2011

and yet who loses in a big write off of rivate bank held debt ??

"Consider the following:  in the space of less than 2 weeks, the eurocrats have managed to eliminate two troublesome elected leaders, whose actions dared to interfere with their broader objectives of finalizing the “European Project” – a project which, to put it bluntly, is looking more and more like a financial coup d’etat."
marshall auerbark

slaughtering rentiers is surely a fun blood sport in the executive suites of any global credit outfit

playing with other peoples money and losing it big time now and again
so long as all your peers are losing their rentiers money too
 breeds almost as deep a contempt as when biz as usual leads
to making these same  ignorant grasping ingrates a little unearned  money

just who in the various control rooms really cares if rentiers take a big hit ???

equity ??? bond holders ???

of course depository set ups have nothing to fear anyway

again so long as its all the banks etc facing a big write down
not just a couple wild hairs

surely the sovereign loses on piig debt is  not motivating enough

nope something deeper  then mere private bank loses
 drives the need to tighten the bindings on the job classes of old europe

but to return to the topic

the elite chaps need to be careful  creit and fiscal poicy are different creatures indeed
 efforts to create a central fiscal authority could develop a momentum
all of its own