Sunday, November 13, 2011

fatuous indictment

"they’d won nice soft berths aboard the mass movement and didn’t want anyone rocking the boat."


  • bullit bob A

    oppose that to this

    “take from Marxism all that is acceptable to the liberal bourgeoisie, including

     the struggle for reforms,

     the class struggle (without the proletarian dictatorship),

     the ’general’ recognition of ’socialist ideals,’

     the substitution of a ’new order’ for capitalism;"

    but comes this blanket line :

    " they cast aside ’only’ the living soul of Marxism,
     ’only’ its revolutionary content.”

     besides the need
    --- apres the fall of the ancient regime--
     to impose a   d of p
    " the class struggle (without the proletarian dictatorship)"
    what else is cast aside ??

    okay its hegelianly dynamic and evolving ie
    marxism  has  a  "living soul"

    so what TODAY  are the features of   marxism's " living soul"
    that if  not  entirely exclusive
    are none the less essential  to its living soul
    and yet missing from various revisions updates  and innovations
    what indeed IS
    the " revolutionary content "  of marxism


    speaking of the d of p

    more mr comrade A

    "the working class must develop its revolutionary struggle not just to smash the capitalists’ government
     (which even another capitalist government can do),

     but to smash the entire old state apparatus

     and rule through new forms of organization

     that rely on the people

    and are democratic in a way completely new in history

     only the proletariat represents democracy for the majority

    and that has to mean dictatorship over the exploiting minority
     in every sphere of life, economically, militarily, politically, culturally and ideologically."

    every sphere of life ....

    totalized   proletarian class dictatorship ?????