Saturday, January 14, 2012

a fan of anarchy today asks but once respond to answers

  1. one sort of socialist begins a response to one anarchophliac's questions  :

     1 )”Why are anarchists wrong in their claims about what consititutes social life under capitalism,”

not so sure the main and critical break between views arises there
the origin and development of the state is where one might start to locate divergences
in particular divergences that arise prior to un-reconcilable oppostion
add ons
what is the state up to today ???
does it have a role beyond todays capitalism ???

my hero kropotkin as it turns out
lefts us with no record of his  notion of  "the state "
prior to the class struggles in western europe
largely falling in the interval 1400 to 1600

he never seems to have written down his outline of the states
that existed during the prior 7k plus  tenure of this peculiar human institution
one would like a clear view of  among other  realizations
of the state   the sort of that irises and sustains because
it is   widely helded by the people
 to be
“god’s word enforced among his people”

2) ” how we come to know this reality,”?
again as with question 1 not critical

i can well imagine as much over lap here between a socialist and an anarchist
as between two anarchists

triggering a duel between epistimologies strkes me as off the beam


3) ” what we can and should do about it? ”

ahhh now we arrive at conclusions
but the crucial departures come earlier no ??
4)  “Why are they wrong to think that social movements should prefigure
the world they want to bring into being?”

this might use a flabby fragmenting paraphrase :

what are pre figurations and what are they doing in my revolution ??

now that’s a related question that might indeed present a way into
 the more basic question or counter question
i suggest up top :

what was  is and will be .." the state"
 and when might we expect to get rid of it ??


after a few days with no answer

what no dialogue ??

are you that confirmed in your views ??

why must we socialists
 first  establish 
the necessity of  the state to today's society
when its an existing  ...long existing institutional  reality

might not  you need  first
 to establish its possible contingency ?

the society of today going stateless

might strike some as
like a gentleman of new york here and now
 going everywhere and for ever after ....naked between the waist and the shoes