Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Death to new Keynesian models

assume the nk model is reality ?

why not assume hicks hansen is reality ?
one is closer then the other to ..real reality ??

that's like saying a ten foot bound across a twenty foot gap
over a chasm a mile deep
is better then a four foot bound

no its worse then saying that
A longer leap that still fals short at least suggests progress is linear here
Just lay out more of the same all the way to twenty one feet

there is no reason a priori to assume reality modeled would produce model results
closer to NK then hicks hansen

come on admit it nick
you don't want kalecki to be correct


it would make practical policy solutions to the macro problems we face
to policy makers and public alike
that for you personally
for reasons too deeply embedded and intricate and adventitious
to adequately excavate
must remain wedged up in the fudge factory for ever and a day

transfer system based optimal path employment
such a straight forward model
but the damn gadget
must be prevented by all hebephrenic   logic chopping
 and  snake charmer casuistry
 time and circumstances permit

what a mandate from corporate heaven