Sunday, January 22, 2012

world historical class tasks chapter 53

the guardians of multi national free range corporate
 limited liability and maximal long run profit
are melding nicely into a single cosmo corporate elite

a class "fraction"  of course and a not so invisible class faction
in national affairs everywhere

this class of course will split over a disputed opportunity
and as great powers begin to re equalize the playing field
options viable options  other then Uncle Hedge will allow
much contradictory matter to spoil down or boil up into potential
  use of the ultimate policy tool international great power wars

Clio has a good deal of weaving and tearing to do before that stage however
till then we can watch the future for all citizens of republic earth
 toonishly and grotesquely  pre figured
 in the aquisitive antics
    of the planet's  corporate cosmo class