Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bark e bark deserves a swift kick

Some blubber brain head of a fed regional outlet

Suggests the potential full out put point
is lower then the favorite estimates

The motivation is all too obvious

Just like cries of radical jump in structural unemployment

Comes Barkley fair mind pwog
As usual unwilling to take his own side in the argument

He instead
takes this giant bundle of self contradictory gibberish
And puts a possible coherent interpretation on it

Why dip shit moves like that

In this context bark
Intervention on the bullheads side
Amounts to showing off

I'm surprised you'd lend a hand to the massive phoney pundit dis and mis info assault
launched by those opposed to effective demand
Measures commensurate with the stagnation

----- note bullhead suggests this stag might have
Positive global balance effects
Work back from that to a forex adjustment nixing motivation backed by MNCs
To maintain their forex arbitrage profits vis a vis east Asian

We all know the fiscal deficit is two sizes too small
Why play DeLong's game where even DeLong has the sense to stay on the side of the angels