Monday, February 13, 2012

comments in the wind

"fantasies and fabrications designed to appeal to the delusions of the .. base. ..."
as opposed to general election campaigns which are all about
"fantasies and fabrications designed to appeal to the delusions of the independent swing-ables "
that is politics
the fantasy and fabrication of course has a "brand " center of gravity
one brand to the apparent left of some implicit center
and the other to the apparant right of that implicit center
now for the GOP runners
its about the right third fantasy amerika
soon it will be about the middle third fantasy amerika
we have no Dem run so the other burlesque show is dark
the Dem champion awaits the right thirds choice
to go into the center ring for a pro forma
no contact tusle
what's at stake really ?
well the real actions of ohbummer versus the real actions of baby bush
if that is a meaningful difference either way
give give give
volunteer your time as a door knocker
and come november vote early and often
if not if it all comes down to this reality
the center aisle party win either way
the party always in power
--and i don't mean the bureaucracy or the courts --
the party that sees to it
MN corporate interests trump
an rag tag momentary popular majority .
(.at least as much as needs be and when it really counts )
sit back relax and enjoy the popcorn if not the show

paine said in reply to paine...
do i think there's a difference
ya enough to spend a half hour going to the local voting center and fiddling a few toggles or marking a few boxes
i'm semi retired ..i got nothing but time
to throw away
--- i'm here eh ?---
its my present dasein and i'm stuck to it
despite what that nazi heidegger said

paine said in reply to paine...
it mildly annoys me that PK likes playing
the alarmest about the dire GOP threat
to civilize secular humanism
he really needs to become a sports fan
or an amateur para pyschoooool -igist
or himself get into a tin foil hat gig
the poor liberal
always the sceptic
accept about the cloudy power of ignorance fear and hatred over the minds of the masses

how much time does he spend
looking at the total betrayal
of these same deluded
bunkerite majority white votin' masses
by the Dembos
over the past now near 40 years
maybe this corporate Dembo party needs another thrashing like in 80 a thrashing that this time will turn the party left not right
force the decent party elements to throw the corporates out ala bryanism
or split off ala henry wallace

paine said in reply to paine...
or like old van buren and form
a new free soil party

Darryl FKA Ron said in reply to paine...
"i'm semi retired ..i got nothing but time
to throw away"
Then throw some of it around meeting new people and talking with them while you work on your congressman's campaign. Knock on some doors. Figure that you are not the only one doing this. You are correct, that something bigger must happen that is not yet. But if it must, then it will. What you would be contributing to would be the shape of things to come. Besides, there are many social benefits that acrue from just working for something, that very well may not pan out, but engages you in a more personal way than just blogging.

paine said in reply to Darryl FKA Ron...
i call that the 218 left marching penguins fantasy
electing a progressive house majority ?
raise hell not campaign funds
don't try to change the system
force the system to reform itself
out of fear of the people flooding into the streets
stop the wheels of profit
that or go down trying