Tuesday, May 15, 2012

volcker rule dissed by alan sloan

"The principle sounds wonderful and simple: Don’t let banks use federally insured deposits for risky trades."

" But implementing it is proving to be incredibly difficult, as realists, including me, predicted would happen."

" Once bank lawyers finish finding loopholes in the detailed provisions, whatever they prove to be, the rule will probably have little meaningful impact."

so why did G-S work for more or less 40-60 years ? Al baby ?

"...don’t confuse Morgan’s mess-up with the supposed need for the Volcker Rule."

" The Volcker Rule would have symbolic impact, by appearing to rein in Wall Street."

so we don't quite know why G-S worked and the VR won't

i like  the cheeky cheery fatalism of this line however:

" the VR  will prove to be more useful as a full-employment act for loophole specialists than for reining in the banks."