Wednesday, May 16, 2012

the fed cred thing ...a naked urban legend

the better pk:

 the "damage done
            by the obsession with... “credibility”....."

fed cred as a product price inflation fighter  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


 "one of those ideas  rooted in theoretical models
that happened to mate perfectly with political prejudices
 and hence became part of the orthodoxy almost immediately"

why can't  pk use this insight
about what gets certain models that confirm class interests
a quick establishment  adoption

(his use of the phrase" political prejudices" is of course
both a tell and a deeply  sour note
 a blinding agent solidly afixed to the insight machine)

"paul its not prejudice its just simple  profit class horse sense)

 at a minimum you'd think this clarity on how thinks really work
 could serve as a motivational  bridge
 away from
 the whole paradigm mother of scads of scummy  models
  based on expectations

is it an enigma?
or might we see a chalmers johnson senile emergence

we'll see

at any rate
fed cred got adopted swiftly
"despite a lack of convincing evidence that it really does matter"

good show pk

fed cred?

the fed gets cred by cracking down on signs
of an incipient acceleration
     increases  among  product prices

once by vicious crack downs you got cred

then comes the social welfare notion built on  fed cred


"the “sacrifice ratio”,

"the cost in terms of protracted high unemployment to get underlying inflation down. "

see the  tale here

crack down hard now and you won't have to crack down as hard next time
to get the same impact ie the same rate of dis inflation

ie crack down hard now  and for next time you've given the fed improved disinflation powers
ie  the  harsh policy induced an increased on going disinflation rate
a formula for volckerdammerung ehh ?

true ?

 bring out the historical record

there's the post winter 51 double cross
martin fed taking away the punch bowl

but look two big wrench jobs in the 70's
in particular
look at the big figure four under carter

the  volckerdammerung

double camel clutched under reagan...

do you see moderation after that ?

i do but the cost

the last 30 years of wage dirth
so just who got the benefit of this post VOLCKER
  improved "sacrfice ratio" ?

and hey what in hell happened in 08 !!!!!!