Friday, May 18, 2012

i can hear pk's knees knocking "HERE COME DAH EXTREEEEEEMISTS "

 greek "voters who are understandably angry at policies that have produced 22 percent unemployment — more than 50 percent among the young — turned on the parties enforcing those policies."

he feels he understands

".. because the entire Greek political establishment was, in effect,
bullied into endorsing a doomed economic orthodoxy,
 the result of voter revulsion has been rising power for extremists."

extremists ....EXTREMISTS !!!!!!!

 "even if the polls are wrong and the governing coalition
somehow ekes out a majority in the next round of voting,
this game is basically up: Greece won’t, can’t pursue
the policies that Germany and the European Central Bank are demanding.  "

notice he's praying for sanity centrism here

in a pinch a choice between assured slow misery
 and the risk of  a social explosion
  a tumbling of existing power holders

pk reflexively goes for the timid path
please grrek majority
vote  back in the same set of stooge packs
that went on their knees to the bankster oligarachs
time after time

remember where pk stood

instead of  exhorting the people of greece to shout "NO" with their votes