Wednesday, October 31, 2012

the constrained choice that preserves the system

mitt or barry ?

Okay so it could be a wee bit less constrained
 but kalecki macro policy
Would prove  to be  the thin  edge of the wedge

after all that more or less leads to a profit squeeze wage price spiral ?

Why revisit the roaring70's ?

That is unless you have a cure
                for the wage/ profit product price spiral

cures  exist

but they break the constraints

cures  would only push the system away from
             it's self preserving center
of de facto state power

ahhh The private oligopoly outfits

they find the way forward eventually
after trying every other way first

and even when they move the system forward
 one can easily count the piles  of  forgone private  wages
and social output

latest example

the fall 08 crisis ...

12 trillion in sacrficed output
to find the way thru this
         whilst keeping within the system constraints