Thursday, January 12, 2012

some questions destroy their own premises

consider if you will
one paul krieg Roberts

 sidewheeler scribbling con
with a penchant for evoking the tempests

he's just  done his usual  stem winding
he's laid out the pending geo political conjuncture
 he has uncle our uncle
     right  on the verge of  war again ..and this time maybe on all fronts!!!!!

he also
-though he doesn't what you to know--
has confidently  entered .......the twilight zone  


all is well  he's pulling his oars nicely
  until he bumps his nose against the mirror

the damn fool  pops some  questions and  boink the spell is broken  :

"We, as Americans, need to ask ourselves what all this is about? 
Why is our government so provocative toward Islam, Russia, China, Iran? 
What purpose, whose purpose is being served?  Certainly not ours....
Where do we go from here?  If not to nuclear destruction .."

obviously our corporate guardian class is  not mad ....err that mad

but no we don't need to ask what this is all about
because its all hoakum
a cheap conjuration
count floyd stuff 

no more provocative
 then a pantomine

truth ??
far from the next war
we're headed into a modest pause

ten years worth ???

come on
this is about intentions not expectations

i'll say this though
if you effectively communicate intentions
you build expectations on the other side of the fence
 perhaps  more to your liking

post Iraq  post affgoolistan
                              it will continue ..the pause will continue
the world must come to believe this

a clintox peace  dividend ??  no

but bellicosity
 the real thing
replete with a fake potus package 
and plenty of skin ape's out

 neo cons grab some  back bench


the obama 10 year death star/condor legion slim-slow  modification plan

  so why the overt " target Han" chatter  ??

notice where on the planet a rotation of forces  ...east ...might relax tensions

answers are hidden there prolly in plain sight