Wednesday, January 11, 2012
uncle and guarding the global commons....what's the cost/benefit ratio of the US armadasand who be the cui bonos
doctor ron paul is going around the hustings these days
saying uncle spent 4 trillion bucks over the last decade
on His red white and blue
over seas fightin' and fussin'
obvious question
who profits by more then 4 trillion dollars ??
if uncle plays the earth's sheriff for ten years straight ??
say average citizens get no value
where's the beneficiaries
we can tax away their surplus
strikes me most liberal anti war types
think its just one big deficit hole
filled up with circus folly blood sport and love of destructive waste
its madness they are fighting against madness
there has to be a better peaceful win win all around
you know
4 trillion
who wins now
ya ya there are compact beneficiary groups
the weapons and war profiteers
and some resource outfits
and low wage arbitrageurs and and and
but to a bottom line tune of 400 billion a year ???
or hell even 200 billion a year
or look at it as an investment
pays out in perpetuity
say 120 billion a year ..indexed to inflation
is this show worth more to them then it costs us ???
pareto cries " find out "
are there no clearly distinguishable set of amerikan institutions
to tax
to pay for these selected benefits ???