Wednesday, February 8, 2012

epi graphic ...gals its down to a buck fifty

but its less gender  gap close
and  more down goes  males

 down  and down  

from plus 15 bucks per
 in the nixon nitghtmare
  to less then 12 bucks per
 at the ohbummers false dawn

-- in   09 dollars--

see !

ya gals as the gap closed you too lost some ground
 in absolute terms 

 "you'll  come a fair way baby
 closing 60% of the gap by 2010 "

imagine telling the libsters of 73 that prophecy

and then saying
"but you'll only be up change for a buck...."

-- in 73 dollars --

and yer guy ??

pk :"Should we really be surprised that young men, confronting the reality that they won’t earn anything near as much as their fathers did — and that they will be even further from having what society sees as an adequate income.... don’t marry and raise families the way the previous generation did?"

throw that bum out of the apartment sis !

again blacks proved to be the cultural vanguard nation here in norte amigo

look at the african north  american nation today
and you see the white north american nation tomorrow