Monday, December 26, 2011

antinomic stages of thought tumble over each other

"Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the Universe exists, why we exist " hawking

 "Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain what set the planets in motion," newton

let there be "a law of gravity " ???


 "there is a law of gravity ???

cosmos  other generated   or self  generated  ???

boundary  between self and other ??

err isaac said "who"  not "what "
but there again we have
an antinomy :

personal / impersonal

"of all possibles just like this" versus "couldn't be otherwise "

tiresome tail chasing here

out of all possibles why this cosmos goes thru stages of " had to be thus" consolidation followed by a bursting of the closed paradigm
followed by ....
its like pi some "things  "are transcendental the circlle can't be squared
but that proved to be the wrong task

a personal god search is a similar wrong task

i prefer attacking the personalization fallacy
to origins debates that simply cucle around even as "each next digit" proces "unpredictable" so to speak

 maybe head way can be made on the godhead front