Saturday, December 31, 2011

"structural analysis" and "the functionality of unemployment in capitalist economies"

becomes the effective minimum wage."
add this :

"a perpetual condition of shortage when it comes to community services, public
goods, infrastructure revitalization, and the like"

"an infinitely-elastic demand curve for labor"

 ie performs the same " functionality  " unemployment performs
 " in capitalist economies "

"So making up the difference between the private sector level of activity and full employment with public service activity leaves the system some breathing room"

"Guaranteed income and the guaranteed job are not necessarily mutually exclusive,
 they can easily be complementary. Public Service Employment, with people able to pursue crafts and art and music and education and community gardens and working together in positive social activity, need not be perceived as “make-work.”

"People want to be doing good works, and Public Service Employment may be used
to redefine what constitutes meaningful productive activity. The Public Service job, by the way, can be used as a vehicle for progressive social policies. Put the basic public service wage above the minimum wage and it

 "Make sure the basic public service wage-benefits package
includes healthcare and childcare, and firms in the private sector will have to match it or compensate in
some other way. The Public Service job can serve as a benchmark for the rest of the economy."

lerner's solution  gets shorted (MAPS),
"Abba Lerner worked on market anti-inflation plans
due to problems he saw in industrial economies and theoretical problems with his earlier
functional finance approach based solely on aggregate demand stimulation."
 Pushing the private sector to full employment just will not work.
Effective demand analysis without structural analysis doesn’t show these problems, doesn’t understand the functionality of unemployment in capitalist economies