Wednesday, December 28, 2011

big sweat box : virtual retail outsources it's logistics

what's  up the far reaches of  ??

this shit:

"...many of the people actually loading and
unloading trucks, packing boxes, and pasting labels
work not for retailers, or for 3PLs, but for yet
another company: temporary staffing agencies. When an
online retailer (especially one that doesn't actually
make anything) wants to wring out the most profit
possible, it helps to have a labor pool that is on
demand, so it can order the exact number of humans it
needs to fill that day's number of orders if the humans
are working at top capacity. That way, workers can't
unionize or be legally entitled to decent benefits.
That way, the online retailer can give them outlandish
productivity goals, like hundreds of orders and
thousands of items per day apiece--and when workers
burn out, just replace them with the next temp, who can
join the rest of the ranks living in fear that they
won't make their numbers and might be incessantly
berated for it, or simply fired. Even if you meet the
outlandish goals, don't necessarily expect to be
rewarded by say, a real job. As with so many in the
industry, the warehouse in Ohio are mostly
"temps"--even though some of them have been working in
the same place for more than a year."