Monday, December 26, 2011

just read a piece that fucked with my head ....

the guy's speaking of today's germany :

 "against all mainstream wisdom of the neo-liberals.
We have strong unions, we have strong social security systems,
we have high wages. ... if I believed what the neo-liberals are arguing,
we would have to be bankrupt, but
apparently this is not the case. Despite high
wages.despite our possibility to influence companies,
the economy is working well in Germany."

this blather  goes on and on

 all the  while contrasting
these  lovely german plants
filled with  german waged paid auto makers on the one hand

 the  "fast tank " follies of the US located  satanic mills  of these same
                                                                           german auto makers

then after showing the wage and bene differentials per hour for assembly line opertatives

the fucker   fails to mention  productivity per hour in all this

yup fails to  tie  together  compensation per hour with value added per hour

then he jumps to show us
the german producers are profitable
despite  producing the majority of their autos "at home "

how so
is  "real "  per hour va that much higher

hey  if   not
then if
net margins are maintained anyhow
despite far higher compensation cost  at home
its gotta be market by market  price discrimination pal

german produced cars commanding higher prices
in euro-asian   markets then US produced cars in notre amigo markets etc etc

but that isn't noticed one way or the other either

what are german car prices for  same  autos in different markets ???

not only that
but  over all corporate profits could
be coming  in higher proportion
 from sales of units out of the bastards low wage foreign ops
 like here in the USA

oh well

worthless goo goo dip shit like this

nattering on and on
  about  how much better
a class collaboration model like germany's
"works" for everyone involved
then the yankee class adversarial model

while completely   UN -CLOSING THE LOOP
by failing  to place  each production platform's contribution
    to over all "profits"
this total outcome comes  within  an over arching global corporate structure  ie MNC
both in production AND markets

we need a model that forces us to fill in these howling lacunae
 in the accepted narratives