Sunday, April 29, 2012

hi fi top dog "compensation"

"In a way bankers are Marx's dream, it's the workers getting the fruits of their labours. "

jolly words of a  stupid  ass of a  clown dog

"fruits of  their labor"...who's labor  ??

an analytic decomposition of top dog compensation
needs doing in a very public and protracted fashion

i'll gladly comment on it
i have my notions

so if a few big feet get it started...

as to the middle dogs of hi fi

"As external auditors we get to see the big banks  payroll reports.
.. It's striking how people seem to make quite a lot more in jobs that are generic in nature. If you are in HR you are doing the same work as in any other industry,
 yet you make 20, 30% more, plus a 10k bonus. Not every year but often enough.… "

"The money is a pull factor, to go into finance, why wouldn't it be? If you are offered two identical jobs and one pays 20% extra, which are you going to choose? …"

spreading the pelf among the troops